If this less-right party takes off, only a true centrist party (the "Commonsense and Decency Party", uniting Blue Liberals and Red tories?) would be needed to fill out the Canadian political landscape and imbue our politics with a stronger regression to the central mean

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Peterson should just join the LIberals, it's where he belongs.

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May 12, 2023·edited May 12, 2023

I look forward to such a party. Pollierve has abandoned moderate conservatives to court the lunatic fringe in the PPC.

Perhaps we can finally get a party that isn't busy fighting culture wars like the Liberals, NDP, CPC and PPC all are and instead focuses on the issues that surround increasing Canada's economic output and productivity.

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Those of us of, err, a certain age were around in the 90s when the PC Party tried very similar positioning - "We are more conservative than the Liberals, but definitely more centrist than those yahoos in Reform." All it succeeded in doing was firming up Reform's base, and driving undecideds to the Liberals. This effort would suffer the same fate. The media will love this story as a warring conservative opposition is their dream scenario, but it's hard to imagine this getting much momentum outside the cocktail party circuit.

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I would vote for a center ice party In a flash.

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This is incredibly stupid. Splitting the vote just helps Trudeau/Singh

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How is it that the supposedly "stupid" (according to CPC supporters) Liberals never seem to have the problem of splinter groups? I guess we might as well resign ourselves to another full term of Trudeau in '25.

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