Couldn't agree more but would add the following. It's long past time for PP to cut the petulant child a-hole act that Jenni Byrne has foisted on him, and start acting like a statesman. Until then, he won't get a second look from me, nor I'd warrant, many others outside of his convoy clown base.

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You are very wrong. We saw the Harper cuts. Cuts that hurt our country, hurt Canadians…ordinary Canadians. The Liberals have lifted tens of thousands out of poverty. They have helped families, children and Seniors. They continue to do that through the very programs you think should go (child care; dental, etc.). Poilievre and his cabal have offered zero ideas for improving the economy. “Cuts” are not the answer. Austerity starts at home. Not in the government of the day. So, Poilievre will actually have to identify EXACTLY what he plans …. Instead of just trying to damage his nemesis, Trudeau, daily, as his best shot at winning. As they say in Texas: “That dog don’t hunt”. Do better, Fred.

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This is satire, right? Why is this written like an eighth-grade assignment in metaphor? And cut cut cut to what end, exactly. If the government is not meant to pay for services for its citizens, what is it doing as an entity at all?

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Liberals have put tens of thousands into poverty. The only people that Trudeau focuses on are the people from Onterrible, and he leaches off of the rest of the provinces resources. Trudeaus nothing but a cocaine addicted drama teacher. Pierre has been doing this his whole life. He is simply the better fit for PM and has a better plan than “it’ll balance itself”

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Delores is an influential writer?

..under the influence of what?

..more fitting..

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What if

..Poilievre did become PM and brought about a balanced budget and..

..cut support programs with the result of throwing thousands on the margins into more dire straits.

..cut out day care ..resulting in reduced opportunity for women and more likelihood of being pregnant barefoot and enslaved in the kitchen

..interest rates and inflation and food prices and housing costs did not come down..and the cost of living kept rising..

..lined his pockets with lobbyists largesse.

..said what a good boy am I

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You disappoint me, but the only reason I subscribed to your newsletter is that Chantal Hebert said you were "a reasonable conservative." I now realize that that is an oxymoron, you are a conservative, so are incapable of being reasonable. The reason I subscribed is that you had dared to criticize the approach of Puppy-dog Polievre. Now I guess you are kissing and making up.

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Imagine being paid for preaching austerity with the writing skills of a fifth grader lol

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Why is the address on your letter California?

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